Track ABL Shipments

Cargo Consolidators Agency Ltd (CCA) ( 2 containers )
Vessel Voy Cntr # Cntr Size Arr Date Port ETA Status
Industrial Constant 03146 SEGU5883099 40 FT 18/07/2024 Point Lisas 23/07/2024 Shipments Ready for Customs Clearance.
CMA CGM Ventania 0AGFFS1MA CMAU4398113 40 FT 20/07/2024 Point Lisas 23/07/2024 Shipments Ready for Customs Clearance.
Econofreight Agencies Ltd ( 2 containers )
Vessel Voy Cntr # Cntr Size Arr Date Port ETA Status
Tropic Jewel 0134 BSIU8305913 40 FT 17/07/2024 Point Lisas 22/07/2024 Shipments Ready for Customs Clearance.
Tropic Jewel 0134 BSIU8306885 40 FT 17/07/2024 Point Lisas 22/07/2024 Shipments Ready for Customs Clearance.
Ramps Logistics Ltd ( 1 container )
Vessel Voy Cntr # Cntr Size Arr Date Port ETA Status
CMA CGM Ventania 0AGFCN1MA TXGU7211277 40 FT 20/07/2024 Point Lisas 23/07/2024 Shipments Ready for Customs Clearance.

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